Pokemon Go & Education--AR technology
Educator friends
The Pokemon Go mobile game app is a newly released game that is taking over the world !! If you haven't heard about it yet...you will! It's highly addictive and has people all over the world hiking and searching outdoors for virtual Pokemon. Pokemon Go is based on AR Tech ( Augmented Reality). I was introduced to this tech a couple of years ago. My media center specialists actually used AR in lessons to place "objects" around the media center for students to find and get additional information.Taking the addictive nature of Pokemon Go...how cool would it be to engage your students using the same technology in your class or in your building. You can create Virtual scavenger hunts in your room and on your campus!! Use what entertains them to educate them! Go outside the box to reach & teach!!
Augment - 3D Augmented Reality by AugmenteDev
My daughter refers to outdoors as the Outernet. She's of the generation that doesn't ride bikes or go outside to play. However, since playing Pokémon she has walked to the library, Taco Bell, through area neighborhoods, and parks. I love it!